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Our College Graduate!

Here she is, Ms. Stephens College Graduate!

The weather was AWFUL, keeping all the relatives away EXCEPT Aunt Joy and Uncle Gary who were also there to see their son David graduate as well!

The party was canceled but all are safe and snug in their homes. Bob and I have a lot of shrimp cocktail and bleu cheese mousse to eat.

Really felt sorry for Ashley. No party, no beaming grandmas and grandpas. But there were two parents there who could not have been more proud!

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  1. She looks so happy and beautiful. I love her "funky" shoes too! Is that snow I see out the window? Bless her heart that the day prevented family from coming. Wish I was there to help you with the shrimp coctail and mousse. Yum!

    Christmas Hugs!

  2. Sorry the weather ruined Ashley's party, but I know that you and Bob made her feel special and wonderful anyway.
    Tell Ashley I LOVE her shoes, too. Very chic!

    Merry Christmas to all -

  3. How wonderful! Congrats Ashley! She's so pretty and a college grad. Sorry about the weather, hope you get to celebrate soon.

  4. This weather! I'm so proud of your beautiful daughter. I'm so sorry our Missouri weather did it again!!!! So fickle, mother weather! Enjoy the goodies.... Poor you! haha.. I'm gunning for a snow day on Tuesday. I think tomorrow will be okay, but we're due for another biggie on Monday night.

  5. I hope she wasn't too disappointed with her day! They were there is spirit and looks like Eric was there too!

  6. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Your graduate is just lovely. Your Christmas card is really nice. Sorry about the weather. I know you are very proud parents. :)

  7. Oh...I am so sorry about the weather...will you reschedule the party??

  8. What a shame, about the weather.

    It is shaping up to be a humdinger of a winter!

    Becky K.

  9. She is so cute and you must be really proud. So sorry about her party. I'll be over for shrimp.

  10. I am so sorry about the awful weather but know that you two made her day extra sweet! How beautiful she is!!!
    Congratulations Ashley! Beauty, brains and awesome shoes!



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