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Karlene's Brunch

I was invited to a brunch on Saturday at the home of my friend, Karlene, who besides being a fabulous teacher, is also an interior decorator. Here is my favorite feature of her home, two red trees decorated with sterling silver ornaments!

She spoiled us with Mistletoe Punch then a lunch of shrimp bisque, miniature grilled cheese sandwiches, Brandy Alexanders for dessert along with melt in your mouth sugar cookies!

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  1. Blogger is going to drive me the rest of the way around the bend! Been trying to leave a comment for five minutes now!!!How do you make the Mistletoe Punch? That sounds so degenerate...lol...Mac says to tell you he's been warning people that I was warped for years and is glad that someone finally heeds his warning....men...

  2. The brunch sounds like fun and delicious! I love those red trees!


  3. There was only one thing wrong with the brunch.....you forgot to take me!
    Sounds like fun.

  4. Oh what a beautiful side board. The tress are so pretty!
    Now, how do you make that punch? : )
    Oh what a delicious menu!


  5. Oh! I love them. The silver tea set in between them really finishes the vignette!

  6. Those trees look so pretty! Shrimp bisque is one of my faves...I am jealous!


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