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Christmas cards 2007

I love Christmas cards. I can't help it. For one it is amazing to me that rarely do you see that any one has picked the same card. I get approximately 200 cards in any given year and I really don't think I have seen one duplicated.

I think cards tell a lot about the personalities of the people who send them. I can tell if you are frugal, whimisical, traditional, or drunk. I can remember who sent me what card, over time, just like I can remember obscure numbers (I can still remember my phone number from college, 30 years ago.)

I worry that sending Christmas cards might become a lost art, as has so many other things that people give up. I am proud to say that my nephew and my two nieces have both sent cards so I do have hope!

I love hearing from people I don't see on a regular basis. Doc Coatney was a man I met in college while I was Governor of Missouri-Arkansas Circle K in the 70s. Each year he'd pen a note to Bob and me telling us how proud he was of our accomplishments and how he looked forward to our letters. Al, a good Circle K friend, sends us a card to let us know how he is, and so does David, who was in a country rock band with Bob. Both these men knew us at strange times in our lives and to stay connected to them keeps that time alive and well, and Bob and I, well, YOUTHFUL.

Here is our card for this year. I love picture cards! The top photo is of Ashley and Eric at the beach in Alabama and the lower picture is of Bob and me at a party. I love the simplicity of the plaid and the greenery and the simple Merry Christmas.
I sent these to close family and to long distance friends. I send every one else cards that I have picked up from here and there. I probably use 4-5 different ones through out the season! There are far too many cute ones to settle for just one!

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  1. Anonymous11:42 AM

    I love the card. Shows a love that has lasted and one that has just begining. Great job.

  2. It is fun to hear from people. Christmas is the only time I hear from some people so it's fun to catch up.


  3. This is too funny...I did a post about Christmas card sending today, too! ha I LOVE sending them and I LOVE getting them. Seems like it's becoming a lost tradition, though, sometimes. I'm glad to know you feel the same way I do.
    Merry Christmas! (and I swear I wasn't drunk when I made your card. lol)

  4. Believe it or not, I've never done picture cards. Maybe because we don't have kids. Yours looks great. Hummmm, maybe I'll do one next year. Do they air brush Xmas cards?

  5. This is really a sweet photo of you! (I even clicked on it and it just got cuter!) I like what you shared about Christmas cards and what really is a dying tradition.

    As my Dad always writes to me:

  6. I love the card. It's beautiful. The Young and The Wise.


  7. It is a beautiful card!!
    Enjoy the weekend!

  8. We love Christmas cards, too....although sometimes ours turn into New Year's cards...LOL!

    Have a very blessed day!

    smiles, kari and kijsa

  9. It is fun to hear from friends that we don't see often.
    Your card is great!
    Becky K.

  10. Oh I love it! Terri! I have missed you too! But don't worry I am back and planning alot this up coming year! Watch out! Love your family blog! Great idea!

  11. That is a beautiful Christmas card, Terri.

    I love sending and receiving Christmas cars. One arrived the other day from an old school friend, I don't see often. He always writes a wonderful newletter, then adds a personal note. I look forward to Paul's cards, each Christmas.


  12. I, too, still send cards. Not as many as I used to, granted. I love displaying the pretty cards and keep them from year to year.

  13. I love it...drunk...made me laugh really really hard, spitting coffee through my nose and everything...you can tell when people are drunk by a card, lol...it takes a visual of driving or walking for me lol,....drunk hahahahahahahahaha...love the word frugal...sounds so much nicer than stingy!!! You're a hoot Terri!

  14. Beautiful photo of all 4 of you!


  15. This is such a special card...beautiful family. I love cards too and get fewer now than in the past. That makes me a little sad and I share your fear that it will become a lost art.

    I am doing mine on Thursday, later than usual but will still be done!



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