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Thanksgiving Sights

My sister Tammi carving the turkey. She has done this since being a teenager and is really good!

Ashley with Kassie and Tristan.

My mom with my oldest nephew, Chris.

Kassie helping Grandma Tammi with the mashed potatoes. Kassie is in first grade and she was amazing yesterday, helping wherever she could, including drying some dishes!

This is the entire Oliver/Gauthier/Steffes family!

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  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Looks like a great time with family.What a great day.Looking forward to the cookies.

  2. This looks like a great day. Ours was a success, I think... Whew! Exhausted me so much I took a wee nap!!! Mom is up there working and working.... talk about the energizer bunny....

  3. It looks like a wonderful day and what a gorgeous family!

    Have a sweet week dear Terri!


  4. Good lookin' family you got there!!


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