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Hats and Salmon Dinners

Ashley has a great sense of fashion design. She must of had some fashion gene from some unknown relative since I know for sure it didn't come from me. She wanted to wear this hat to a wedding she attended on Saturday. She didn't because she didn't trust her fashion sense. Do you think she should have worn the hat?

Bob cooked a delightful birthday dinner for me: lime and cilantro shrimp cocktail, pan fried salmon over angel hair pasta with alfredo sauce. Mmmmmm.

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  1. Oh yes, she definitely should have worn the hat, it really suits her so well!!! It's funny how unsure we can be of our fashion sense! lol Oh yummmm, your birthday dinner looks so scrumptious and made even more special because your hubby made it for you:-) xox

  2. She is a very pretty young lady either way!

    I love a good salmon steak, yours sounds YUMMY!

  3. Now, that sounds like a great Birthday dinner...and a man to cook it for you. Doesn't get any better than that!

    I think she should have worn the hat too..very cute.


  4. yes, the hat looks perfect!
    How sweet of Bob to cook you a wonderful birthday meal! Looks yummy!

  5. She looks adorable in the hat.

    Yum...your meal looks so good. I love a man who can cook.


  6. Anonymous10:03 PM

    I love the hat. I always have loved them and never been able to wear. I always had short hair and looked fatter. My April is like your Ashley. She can make a sack look good=)
    What a sweet hubby.. the meal looks great and I know you both enjoyed your time.

  7. I'm so glad that you had a nice birthday dinner. And Bob is a great guy for making it.

    Ashley is beautiful no matter what she has on her head!!


  8. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Hats are great, and she looks adorable in hers! Not everyone can pull off a hat! My daughter somehow ended up with great style too. She is way more confident than I ever was!


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