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Fall Back!

It's Daylight Savings Time! As one who leaves before the sun is up and arrives home after the sun has set, this appeals to me to get home while the sun is in the sky! It makes me feel more energized when I get home.

I wanted to share the history with you but after reading Wikipedia, I thought I would just provide you a little link: History of Daylight Savings Time

Enjoy your extra hour of sleep!

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  1. I was up way earlier than I wanted to be this morning! But alas, I figured I might as well get out of bed and have a cuppa coffee. Why are you up??

    Thanks for the info though on my blog hiccup. So you're seeing the countdown? I don't have a MAC and I'm thinking we should have one.


  2. Thanks for your sweet comments (and this good reminder!) We were thrilled, and have linked back to your wonderful blog as well. We love to link and join with other sites-the joys of blogland!!! Have a blessed Sunday!

    kari & kijsa

  3. Hi Terri,
    After a restless night due to the storm, coupled with the time change...this feels like the longest morning ever!!!

    Looking forward to my bed tonight!!

  4. Anonymous10:16 AM

    It was hard to sleep with this new time.I guess we will all get used to it.

  5. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Beautiful flowers. Yes, lovely to get a nice extra hour of sleep.

  6. Were you up so early because of the extra hour? I woke up early also. Have a good week.

  7. Thank you for the reminder! And thank you for adding me to your "inspiring people and places"! I am also adding your blog to my list! See you soon!

  8. Just wanted to say "Hi!" and have an awesome day!
    Last evening seemed to go on forever since it got dark so early.
    Becky K.


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