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Christmas is in the House!

Christmas decorating is complete at the Steffes home!

We have ten trees up and miles of garland. Ashley works for a floral shop and did a lot of the living room decorations.

We have BOXES of chrismtas decorations left over. I think it is time to sort.

No pictures right now... I am participating in Karla's Your Favorite Holiday Things tour on December 12 and BooMama's Holiday Home Tour on December 19 so you will have to wait til then!

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  1. 10 trees?!! Whoa, that's a lot. And I can't wait to see them all. I'm participating in Karla's party too...so everyone must wait!


  2. I don't know if I can wait. Please, please.......a sneak peek?

  3. I can't wait to see your photos, Terri! It sounds beautiful.

    We're finishing with four trees, this year. Six, if you count the front and back porch.


  4. Wow!!!!! I bet your home looks STUNNING! Can't wait to see!

  5. Wow ~ ten trees ~ thats a lot of decorating! I look forward to seeing photos!
    Have a happy Monday!!

  6. Oh my goodness. That is incredible. The most I have ever had was 2 trees. You are amazing.
    I cannot wait to see!
    Becky K.

  7. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Oh, not fair! Not even one little picture? Please......
    10 trees and you STILL have boxes of decorations left? I can't wait to see it all!


  8. Can't wait to see what you've done. I didn't know about the Christmas parties but do a link when you have them so we can see everyone's Christmas. How fun!


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