I am the hostess for Ashley's first bridal shower this weekend. I am so excited to do it but I want everything to …
You Are Blitzen
Always in good spirits, you're the reindeer who loves to party down with Santa.
Why You're Naught…
Debra K at The Bunny's Bungalow is having a christmas give away! Tell her I sent you!
The Bunny's Bungalow
I have been remiss in telling you that this is National Game Week. Every day at school I have listed games that kids c…
Your Christmas is Most Like: Miracle on 34th Street
Sweet and caring, Christmas is about helping for you.
While Santa may…
New camera! Well, actually, PTO bought the school an new Canon Rebel and I have had fun learning how to use it. PTO a…
Felt a trifle guilty about telling you about having ten trees and then leaving you hanging until December 17... so here…
You Are a Traditional Christmas Tree
For a good Christmas, you don't have to re-invent the wheel.
You already have tr…
Christmas decorating is complete at the Steffes home!
We have ten trees up and miles of garland. Ashley works for a flor…
Judy, from the Tom and Judy blog, told me about this link to see what holiday movies and tv shows are playing. It also…
At the last minute the four of us decided to go to a sports bar in Columbia that is managed by our cousin Ryan. We cal…
I decided to participate in Peggy's Stocking Swap. Peggy has a wonderful blog called
Hidden Haven Homestead that d…
We held our christmas cookie swap yesterday at my mother in law's house. The large dining room table was filled wi…
My sister Tammi carving the turkey. She has done this since being a teenager and is really good!
Ashley with Kassie and…
The teacher in me feels the driving need to tell you some fun Thanksgiving facts....
1597 We Gather Together was written…
Alexandria from Silver Bell Cottage awarded me the Rockin' Girl Blogger award along with a few others. She says we…
The second annual Cookie Swap for the Steffes women will be held tomorrow at my mother in law's house. Here is the…
Manuela from
The Feathered Nest recently named me for this darling award. The Friendly Site Award makes me feel so wel…
Ashley has a great sense of fashion design. She must of had some fashion gene from some unknown relative since I know …
Today's plans are to decorate the three bedrooms upstairs for Christmas. I know in an earlier post I said I was ho…