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Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for the people I work with. Tuesday was Bosses Day and boy, my two secretaries just spoiled me! I received a huge mum and a gift certificate to Sonic. Yesterday I got wonderful homemade chips and salsa and today they ordered pizza for us and we sat together and just talked.

Sarah is my main secretary. Boy, that girl can multitask like I have never seen! It is an amazing thing to watch! And, she figures out a way to do the crazy things I ask even if they seem a bit outrageous.

Carol is the receptionist and she cannot stay busy enough. She likes it when there is work to do and a timeline to meet.

I couldn't run the office the way I wanted to without the two of them. Their effectiveness in the office frees me to be in the classroom or working in the office fully confident that things are getting done. What a great thing for a supervisor!

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  1. It certainly does help a lot when you have such competent workers working for you:-) Glad to hear you had such a lovely Bosses Day!! xox

  2. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Sounds so great. You deserve everything you get. Im sure you worked for it.

  3. Well Happy Bosses Day! It's wonderful that you are surrounded by people who make you look good. And it's wonderful that you recognize that and appreciate it.


  4. Sounds like you had a pretty decent day at work...I'm glad...gonna go check out the pumpkin carving...now that sounds like loads of fun!

  5. Well Happy Belated Boss's Day, Terri!! I'm sure you have a marvelous staff. But, more importantly, I'm sure you're marvelous to your staff...


  6. Happy Boss's Day!
    Becky K.

  7. Anonymous9:12 PM

    I know what you mean...had to turn my ac back on tonight. Darn.

  8. I am betting that they think YOU are pretty special too! I am so glad you had such a sweet Bosses Day!

  9. Happy Belated Boss's Day Terri!!!!! I'm glad you were blessed with such great secretaries who are such sweeties :o)I bet your a pretty terriffic boss too!

  10. I bet they are happy to have such a sweet boss!

  11. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Terri, they sound like a wonderful group you work with and you deserve all the nice things cause you are a special person.


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