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Jeanette Walls

I was fortunate to be able to be a guest of Jeanette Walls when she spoke to our book club at the River City Regional Library tonight. She is as wonderful as the book she wrote, Glass Castles. Her story takes us on her journey growing up. She had many experiences that many of us would be ashamed of having. She said that she was worried that people who knew her would no longer want to be around her, would not be her friends any longer. She said her biggest lesson was that people were more good than she imagined. She said she received support from unexpected places.

I wish I could write her speech here. She made many profound points. She told us about her family and how they coped with their story being published. She updated us on her mom's situation. She told us about being on Oprah.

I was impressed that she was impressed by us! She seemed humbled by her experience as a published author. She seemed in awe that all of us had read, and loved, her book. Not a snobbish bone in her body!

She mentioned she has another idea for a book. She has quit her job as a celebrity news reporter to focus on the next book. She told us that Brad Pitt's production company has bought the movie rights to her book and that a script is being written for it.

I felt like I had a nice visit with a good friend. I know all of you would have loved her, too. Read her book! And then, come join Brit on her blog, My Messy Thrilling Life in October to discuss it with her!

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  1. Wow...I will have to look for that book...Brad Pitt huh? Ya know...we were supposed to meet and get married but it didn't happen! LOL JK
    Blessings for a great day!

  2. Sounds interesting! I have to admit I have never heard of her or her book. But, I might just google it!


  3. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Sounds great. I will have to look for the book. i love to read.

  4. This sounds like it was a wonderful event! Transparency really is a healing salve to many who carry secrets and wounds. I will have to check out her book. Wow, she is really experiencing a good amount of success!

    Also, you posted on DebraK's site that you will be making your recipe for potato soup. I am very interested in seeing that recipe. Maybe you could make a note to let me know when you post it. I don't want to miss it.

    Tootles, KJ

  5. She certainly does sound like a wonderful person and I'm glad that she's doing so well with her first book!! Terri, I mailed your giveaway prize yesterday so hopefully it won't take too long to reach you...it usually takes about a week from Canada to the States. xox

  6. I heard her book is very good. I'll look for it at the library.

    Glad you had a good time.


  7. I'm intrigued...going to have to read this one!

  8. I will look for her book! Thank you, Terri.


  9. Anonymous8:04 AM

    I've never heard of her so I'll have to look up her book. She sounds like a nice person and that's great that she's going to write another book.


  10. I read that book TWICE and it is powerful and amazing. SHE is amazing! How wonderful that you were able to see her and hear her speak. I will look forward to her next book.



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