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I'm Finished!

I finished the course work for an Educational Specialist degree in June, 2007. For those of you who don't know, it is another 36 college hours after a masters degree. If I wanted, and that I am not sure of yet.... I could go back to school and complete my Educational Doctorate degree in another 42 college hours...

Any way, another part of the degree program is to write a thesis which I have been writing since June. I got stuck on one of my chapters, chapter 5 to be exact... and it took me six weeks just to write that one. Not to bore you or anything but my thesis was How to use the ISLLC standards to procure a quality principalship.

Next in the process is defending what I wrote and then taking the ISSLC exam. I have taken one ISLLC exam and did quite well, so that doesn't worry me at all. Its $500 so I will prepare well for it since I can't afford to take it twice!

Graduation will be in December, if I defend my paper well. It's a neat ceremony where you are hooded. I just hope Ashley isn't graduating at the same time!

Woo Hoo!

Would you like to comment?

  1. Congratulations! I'm so proud of you... That took a LOT of work and discipline... It sounds like you are almost finished. I'm very happy for ya!

  2. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Congratulations, on finishing this part of it Terri. I am sure the rest will be a breeze for you my friend. I will keep you in prayer and wish good things for you.

  3. Anonymous11:16 AM

    congats girl. Very happy for you.

  4. Congrats to you! I also want to THANK YOU for stopping by and wishing me Happy Birthday! That was very sweet...I will come back and visit you often!

  5. You are one impressive individual! I didn't realize until the other day that you were a school principal. Now I'm intimidated. lol I was having flashbacks of those awkward moments spent in the principal's office back in the day. /but let's not dwell on that....

    I wanted to thank you for your kind words to my cousin and his wife. I really appreciate you! I know your words will mean so much to them and I wanted to thank you for taking the time to leave that message. You are very special!!!!

  6. Congratulations! Wow...how impressive. You go girl!


  7. WOW! I'm truly impressed! CONGRATULATIONS!
    Have a great week.

  8. Congratulations Terri!! My niece Amy worked forever on her thesis before getting her PhD. She sure had lots of problems getting interviews and questioners answered so I can imagine how much work you have put into your thesis while working fulltime! Way to go!!!

  9. Okay Terri...are you just trying to intimidate me?? *grin* You GO girl..I am SO proud of you. It takes lots of hard work, intelligence and dedication to get where you are.

    Congratulations to YOU!


  10. That is supremely fabulous! Don't you just love learning? I sure wish I had felt this way when I was in school! I keep trying to pass on my new love of learning to my kids...
    Your accomplishment must bring a huge sense of satisfaction.
    Becky K.

  11. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Congratulations on your post graduate course work completion. Oh...and the joy of defense. :) Hope you have a great day.

  12. Congratulations!! That's awesome. I so admire people who continue their education. I never went to college. I just couldn't bear the thought of taking any more math classes. And I still can't. That is such an accomplishment and you should be so proud. I'm proud of you!!


  13. Congratulations, Terri!

    My good old school friend, Aunt Pitty Pat (who reads often and comments at my blog), is the daughter of my high school prinicipal. He was also principal when my mother was in high school. He was an amazing man, I will never forget!

    Best of luck and continued success, during your journey!


  14. How wonderful for you! Teachers are my heroes, they're so under appreciated...you only hear about the thorns, never about the roses. My sister just retired after teaching more than 30 years, and now she's back at it again, lol! I keep asking her if she knows what retirement means! So, great work, Lady...from Sandi in Jefferson, SC
    to Terri
    in Jefferson City, MO

  15. Congrats Terri! What a super accomplishment. xoxo

  16. What an achievement! Congratulations!


  17. Congratulations! I have no doubt that you will pass with flying colors!

  18. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Congratulations Terri. I happened upon your blog while I was searching for ISSLC sites. I am planning on taking my exam in June. The thought of writing for 6hours is not thrilling, don't understand why we can't complete this on the computer. Good luck with WW and planning your daughters wedding.


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