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PTO Movie Night

Many of you know that I am an elementary principal. I love my job! Tonight we are having the first of many Movie Nights as a service to families. The movie is free and the refreshments are cheap... Parents must accompany their children to the movie which I am grateful for. That means I can enjoy the movie, too! Tonight's movie is "Are We Done Yet?" which I understand is a fun, light hearted movie.

I have allowed PTO to show PG rated movies. My reasoning is that since parents are accompanying their child, they can make the decision on whether or not the movie is appropriate for them. At school I only allow G movies since our students are a captive audience.

I'll eat some popcorn for you tonight!

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  1. Movie night is a wonderful idea!


  2. Oh have fun! Our school district does that for the elementary school kids and their parents as well. I think it's a great idea and it gives the family something to do without having cost them an arm and a leg.


  3. OH have a wonderful movie night! Oh fun!

  4. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Oh what a neat idea. Wish our district did something like this. Have a great time Terri and enjoy.

  5. Enjoy your movie and I love the color change in your blog. Looks very fallish!

  6. That sounds like fun. Our high school faculty saw FREEDOM WRITERS together on Friday. It was such a good movie and so inspirational. Of course, I cried and had to get up and go get a paper towel... But it was ANNE FRANK. What did they expect? We had a good discussion afterward. I heard Macon school arranged for free rentals of that movie for all faculty and had them all rent it for their own viewing at home.

  7. This is a great idea! I have not seen this movie yet, but look forward to renting it and watching it with my kids.


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