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A few ABCs....

Mika at Cherry Hill Cottage made these delightful letters for me. You can order them at Cherry Hill Cottage. She can make them from any type of paper and any combination of letters. Her packaging is adorable and she sends them out very quickly. Mika is making some for my friends and sending them for me to Georgia.

The little couple to the far left is the topper we had on our wedding cake. I can't believe we have kept that thing for 30 years! The two dishes were found at my grandmothers and the little star angel was given to me by my friend Karlene when we were STARR teachers together. The cute little girl sitting down with a pot of flowers was part of a set of four. I gave two away and took one to work!


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  1. Cute letters and ideas. It is fun to hear you talk about things I know about... like Starr Teachers, etc... Have a good week at school.

  2. Anonymous9:24 PM

    TERRI! Mika and I love you! What a sweet post..love the letters with all your other adorable collectibles! Your a doll!

  3. I love those letters, Terri. I'm going to have to think of something I can do with them and contact Cherry Hill Cottage!


  4. Love all the treasures and those letters just set it all off to a, well, to a *T*!!


  5. I have been thinking about those letters. Do you have any of her banners? I can't decide which one to get, letters or banner!


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