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ADK, A Night With Friends and Good Wine!

I am the president of our local chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa. We are a small group, about 10 of us, who love teaching and influencing our students to be whatever they desire. We meet monthly during the school year at various local restaurants or at our homes.

Tonight was meeting night. We met at Native Stone Winery, a private vineyard owned by Dr. Stauffer and his family. I had their son in the fifth grade. He was a delightful student. He stands out because he was a member of my 100% Spelling Club, which meant he did not miss one spelling word for the entire school year! The members of ADK are great friends: Ashley, Linda, Barb, Heather, Laurie, Shirley, Lois, Joyce, Nancy and Charlotte. We have taught with each other and worked together on a variety of projects. These ladies are hard workers and care for one another. Case in point: Lois bought me dinner tonight as she has been unable to catch up with me to take me to lunch (which she has wanted to do since dad died in March). How sweet and caring was that??

Native Stone is situated right on the Lewis and Clark trail. You can hike right on the same trail as they did! The trail winds through the river and bluffs and is a wonderful view. ESPECIALLY in the fall.

There can't be anything more wonderful that a great organization, friends and a special place to meet. Hope all of you have that same bond with people and places in your life.

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  1. Teri it's so nice that you are able to enjoy friends like that. I bet the vineyard was beautiful. Pretty soon they should be harvesting.


  2. That sounds so nice. I wish I did belong to such an organization. Too shy, I guess, to make friends like that. It's not easy to do when you don't work outside the home. And now that all my skills have rusted clean through, I don't know if I can even get a job now...except maybe at a Taco Bell or Target. lol Although, actually...Target wouldn't be bad, come to think of it...the discounts, you know...lol
    ANYWAY, your group sounds wonderful! I think it's something a lot of us yearn for and it's wonderful to hear how grateful you are for having it!

  3. Can't see the photo terri but does sound like a great time!

  4. How fun! Did you take pictures?

  5. Sounds like another great place we'll have to check out!
    How fun it must be to get together with these ladies!


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