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Our PEO chapter just celebrated its 75th anniversary with a tea. The committee who organized this for us had these delightful floral arrangements at each table, using teapots from various members. They also had us wear hats and gloves. It was so fun to dress up and have tea and tiny sandwiches and petit fours.

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  1. Such a pretty arrangement! I love ideas like that:>)

  2. By the way,thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I love meeting new people , I will be checking back often and I hope you will do the same :>)


  3. That arrangement is gorgeous! I'm PEO, but am currently inactive.
    Next time I see you, I'll tell you the secret password;)

  4. I LOVE it!!!! Tea parties are just my most favorite thing to do! Oh it must have been fun! The arrangements are gorgeous! That is a wonderful idea! I will have to do that for our next party!

    I love that you put the cimmamon clay ornaments on gift packages! What a wonderful idea!



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