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It's Here!

It's finally here, my first official day with staff at my new school. You can tell by the time of this post that I had a hard time sleeping!

I have the agenda all typed and ready to go on pretty colored paper. I bought door prizes to give away during our 2 hour long meeting. I have bottled water to share.

So why is my stomach tied up in knots? Why did I not eat last night in one of my favorite restaurants (Red Lobster) when Bob took me out?

Fresh starts, although exciting, play havoc on our systems, don't they??

Wish me well on my first day as principal at this new elementary school. The kids are the easy part, it is the teachers who make me nervous!

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  1. Terri! Good luck! And hang in there, they soon will realize that you are a great principle! I didn't know that job you deceided to take...now I know! I think the first couple days will be a getting to know each other! But what fun with the door prizes! Overall, Terri be your wonderful self! Love ya!

  2. Anonymous5:58 AM

    How can they help but absolutely LOVE you girl?? You've definately pepped up a 2 hour meeting as well with the door prizes, a cold drink, and a very pretty looking agenda. How thoughtful.

  3. good luck though I am sure you don't need it. You are going to have lots and lots of new friends looking up to you!

  4. Good Luck!!! As a teacher going into an old/ new school (back after five years, I sooo identify with the all nighter, butterfly effect, and finger crossing thing. I just have a feeling you'll be awesome. Love the door prizes and water thing. Enjoy yourself.

  5. Good luck Terri!!! You will do so well! And it sounds like you have wonderful things planned! They will love you :)



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