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A few things and the kitchen sink!

Last summer Bob and I replaced the countertops in the kitchen with these red ones and replaced the sink. A year later I still love my red countertops but the sink was a FABULOUS piece of luck.

I picked out a sink without a divider so I could lay a cookie sheet down completely. This sink did so much work for me as I have canned and harvested our tomato crop. Being able to drain a huge kettle without spilling and having plenty of room for dishes and work space has been soooo nice.

I highly recommend these sinks if you are thinking about replacing yours!

As far as other things.... I am running on SLOW today, its 8:00 and I still haven't gotten out of my night clothes. I am semi "off work" today although I am going in. This morning I am running to walmart to grab some things that teachers needed before school starts.

Have a good day!

Would you like to comment?

  1. What a great splash of color!

  2. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Terri, I love the color of your kitchen and the sink isn't it the best. I have that same sink and I love it when I am doing baking or making pasta and sauce so nice and roomy and deep.

    Just beautiful my friend.

  3. Terri! LOVE IT! I hear what you are saying about the having a divider! But renters can't be choosers! Well...unless it breaks or something...no,no! I wouldn't! I love my kitchen! By the way love the countertops too! You know me Terri I love Red!

  4. Hi, Terri, thanks for stopping by to see me. Very nice to meet you. I think that ice cream post got a lot of new people posting! We love our ice cream

    Hope you'll come back again!


  5. Love your kitchen! Red is one of my favorite colors. Right now we have a stainless sink and I want to replace it. However, we have a lot more other home improvements to tackle first. Thanks for visiting and commenting on our trip. We are going to visit my Brother and family for Labor Day in Carls Junction, MO. Not sure if that is near you.

  6. I love your border!

  7. Hi Terri! I have the same sink and I just love it!!!


  8. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Where did you get your red countertop? We want to get one like that!

  9. Our red countertop is a Formica product that we purchased at Lowe's! Email me if you have other questions!


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