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Slow Cooker Pumpkin Butter #SundaySupper

I discovered pumpkin butter when my mother-in-love, Irene, spent the day stirring a big cauldron of apple butter at a local fall festival about twenty years ago.  In a much smaller setting, there was a slow cooker of pumpkin butter simmering in the background.  The rich color and the fantastic whiffs of cinnamon are so indicative of the perfect autumn atmosphere.

Recreating that special moment is so easy to do at home.  The slow cooker is a perfect way to make pumpkin butter for your family.  You can do it the completely homemade way, by stewing your own pumpkin or you can purchase cans of packed pumpkin puree.  Both create a delicious butter perfect for homemade biscuits, bagels or even on top of ice cream.

Slow Cooker Pumpkin Butter

1 15 oz can of pumpkin puree
1 c sugar
1 c brown sugar
1 t cinnamon
1/2 t nutmeg
1/4 t ground ginger
1/4 t ground cloves

Combine all the ingredients into a slow cooker.  Mix well.  Cover and cook on high for three hours, stirring from time to time.  Not only does this keep it from scorching, but it gives you a chance in inhale those delicious smells!  The pumpkin butter should be thick and spreadable.  If not, cook on high in 15 minute intervals with the lid off.  Watch carefully.   Ladle into jars, but do not can. Pumpkin butter doesn't like canning but it freezes pretty well.  You can double the recipe successfully, too.

Store in the refrig up to two weeks.  Makes about 2 cups of butter.

Check out all these delightful slow cooker comfort foods by other #SundaySupper bloggers. You won't regret it.

Slow Cooker Comfort Food Recipes #SundaySupper

Desserts, Breakfasts, and Sides

Main Dish

Soups, Stews, and Pastas

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