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A Sentence a Day

Back in May I started writing a sentence a day to capture memories made and to work on my writing. It has become part of my nightly routine.  Rituals are really important to me, they help center me and make me more productive and aware of myself.  Writing at night helps me free up my mind from the day's events and to help me remember things.  Like Einstein said, "Paper is to write things down we need to remember.  Our brains are to think."

July 1  Back home from vacation, with a pile of laundry that shows we had a wonderful time!

July 2  Sitting by your honey, with fireworks exploding in the sky, is romantic, charming and cuddly.

July 3  Celebrating the happiness of my niece to be, Rachel, as she prepares to be the wife of my nephew, Ben is such a wonderful feeling.

July 4  Our country is 240 years old today and with this glorious age comes a lot of wisdom but not enough to keep our citizens sfe and happy.

July 5 I had dinner with friends who understand me better than anyone, who can read my emotional state and work on it all through our time together without me even knowing it.

July 6  Today at work I had a moment of extreme joy when I realized how much I admired and respected the people I work with!

July 7  I learned how much respect I have for my neighbors who are young men in their 30s raising their families, proud of their neighborhood and wanting to work for the good of all.

July 8  I am one of those fortunate ones who employs a house cleaner and am so much better for it as she loves doing it and I hate it.

July 9  It's my baby niece's birthday, dear Susan, who is now 32 and expecting her third baby!

July 10  Went on a walk with Bob and shot some gorgeous sunsets with my mobile phone that were simply gorgeous!

July 11  Quiet night, watching TV with Bob, talking about the day's events, with our puppies at our feet, pretty good feeling!

July 12  I was fortunate to have dinner with my PEO sisters tonight in New Town which was absolutely lovely.

July 13  It is my mother's 79th birthday and it was my absolute pleasure to treat her and her girlfriends to lunch in Marceline!

July 14  Bob took our gold CR-V in to get a recall on the airbags fixed and it was fun to hear him say what a good car that is!

July 15  I was bitten by a mosquito yesterday and when I went to bed, the bite was the size of a pencil eraser but by the time I woke up today, it was the size of a baseball.

July 16 Outdoor concerts on a beautiful July evening, sharing the music with neighbors and good friends, are a good way to end a fantastic Saturday.

July 17  How can two days be so different in temperature, attitude, and deportment?

July 18 Dinner with people who like the same things you do is so relaxing and fun, Garden Club should do this more often!

July 19  Enjoying my work today and looking forward to seeing how teachers receive it in the fall.

July 20  I loved having dinner with three special women tonight, it was so nice to feel like a part of the crowd.

July 21  My husband is feeling worse today after his surgery on Wednesday but I hope that it continues to improve each day.

July 22  Today is a better day for my husband but the bandage is not cooperating as it should!

July 23  Headed out to a bar with my husband as a change of scenery was what the doctor ordered even though only diet coke and water were consumed.

July 24  The hottest day of the year found us inside with the dogs, enjoying movies and cool treats.

July 25  My annual Christmas in July celebration complete with a Christmas movie and a sample of what might be our Christmas dinner and dessert!

July 26  Making much needed changes in my diet and exercise plan and in my overall thoughts about myself in general.

July 27 That first day, when you know you are making changes that are good and all the motivation and excitement are there, I wish I could bottle it for future use!

July 28  Going to a movie with your best friend and both loving it!

July 29  Celebrating life by hanging out with good friends, eating good food, and drinking good drinks.

July 30  Life is so good and when your oldest nephew has a birthday and a bachelor party for his brother, that proves it!

July 31  Today is the day to remember that not everyone has the same opportunities as you and to be grateful for all that has come to pass.

July was a wonderful month!  I had a chance to unwind, prepare for the new school year and contemplate the world as I know it.  I am looking forward to a wonderful month in August.

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  1. I love this idea! I need to jump on this. Last year I purchased a journal with 365 daily prompts and I.... failed. Thankfully, I can still pick up where I left off because it isn't date specific, but still a sentence a day sounds more doable. :)

    1. So here's what I do. I write up my opening paragraph at the beginning of the month for the post. Then I come back and edit it with my sentences. When the month ends, I add my photo and wala! I have a post!

  2. This is a great way to jot down your thoughts and experiences. It's so cool to be able to reflect on your summer this way.

  3. I love the idea of writing a sentence a day. my only problem would be to decide which aspect to write about. As an author I'm used to writing 90000 words or more, on a topic

  4. What a great idea! It's such an interesting way to capture not just writing, but life in general.

  5. Hey, it's like a short journal. I think that's a great idea. Then you know where you were and what you were doing at that moment. That can really bring back some memories later on.

  6. What an incredible exercise and ritual! I am so going to do this during the month of August, although I am already seven days late

  7. what a great idea and one that looks like you are sticking too. It helps to break it down like this into a shorter writing goal for sure!

  8. I love this idea and I think after a month going back to look at it and reflecting is awesome. This might be something I would like to try in September!

  9. I love this idea. I've seen a few people do this and I would love to - might look into it. A great way to keep little memories

  10. This is a great practice! I get overwhelmed by the idea of writing a journal so doing a sentence a day is very appealing.


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