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Garlicky Buttered Shrimp-Pinterest Trial

This recipe has been all over Facebook and Pinterest and so I am going to take this on for our Friday night meal.  Of course, I am going to change up the recipe before I make it the original way, but in this case, it is a good idea.

For one, I am reducing the amount of butter and replacing it with olive oil to make it a bit more heart healthy.

Secondly, I am serving it over brown rice to give us a healthy serving of grains with the meal.

Here's the recipe I made:

1/2 c butter
1/2 c olive oil
2 cloves of minced garlic
1 lemon, sliced
1 bag medium shrimp (cooked or uncooked, whatever you have)
Italian seasoning

Put butter and olive oil together in skillet, melt together.  Add garlic and stir often, until garlic is cooked and golden brown.  Lay slices of lemon on top of the butter sauce.  Add shrimp.  Sprinkle on Italian seasoning.   Cook on stovetop for 15 minutes on simmer.

Serve over rice.

VERDICT:  The original pinner, "Diana," said this was the best shrimp you would ever eat.

Here is what Bob had to say: Very good!  
Here's what I thought: Very good, not the best I have add.  I would add red pepper flakes and parmesan cheese and I think that would be a winner!

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  1. I've seen this too, but couldn't wrap my head around the whole stick of butter.

  2. We had this for Christmas Eve. I am posting next week. I didn't however make it heart healthy. I used the stick of butter and it was soooo delicious. I figured since it was Christmas Eve, it was okay. Happy New Year!

  3. This looks fantastic, Terri! I think you can get away with less butter but I can't tell how much shrimp you are using so it might be the right amount. I know you saw my Shrimp Scampi recipe today and it is so much like this. Adding bread crumbs absorbs some of the butter and gives it a little crunch. I have to Pin this recipe!



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